Thursday, December 10, 2015


Mark Parsons has finally uploaded Adventurous Adventures of One Direction Episode 3! He's doing a whole bunch of different parts to it and it's so awesome! Check out his channel!

Vas Happenin'?!

Hey my Fudgeducklings! It's been a while since I last posted! How have you been? Lemme know!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Empire Anyone?

Okay, so did anyone watch Empire last night? If you usually watch it and missed it, I won't say what happens but let's just say that it was so amazing just like any other time, like, there is never a bad episode of Empire.
Comment what you thought about the episode and also comment anything that you want to be a WQOTD, SOTD, or VOTD and I'll see which one I like best... and you never know, I might like the ones that I didn't choose and use them another time!